Top - Foreign Intentions | Shorts - F21 | Backpack - Ebay | Sandals - JustFab |
I realize I'm a day late for this post. What's funny is, I already had everything ready, I just completely forgot to post it. I call it & blame it on the school brain. But honestly, I think I like the idea of posting on Wednesdays. I get out of school early and I just have more time for everything.
Overall, this week has been pretty good, some minor bumps in the road but that's life. I've actually found so many new songs that I love this month so let me know if you guys want a monthly playlist to go along with the fragrance of the month.
I called this outfit "Cheeky" because in person, I'm a tall girl (5'9 and still growing) with long legs and if you're a tall girl as well, you know the struggle with shorts. Pretty much every pair of shorts I own (except the ones I make) look WAY too short on me. I've grown accustomed to it and got used to it. It doesn't deter me from wearing shorts, Florida is a very hot and humid place and people are just going to have to deal with the long-lyness that are my legs.
Over the years I've come to just not care what people think anymore and just wear/ do what makes me happy. If that means being a supper weird person then who cares, it makes me happy. I feel like as a blogger and girl, I should really use this blog not only to display my designs and love for fashion, but also a place where girls (and guys) can feel comfortable and just be themselves without being insecure about it. Don't forget to keep smiling! Take care xx
Ahh! Your top is so cute and looks so nicely sew! I love it! and I love your white sandals so much! xx
Thank you so much!! :)